♪ Catch this new slug
From the M.O.P. hit list ♪
♪ Catch this new slug
From the M.O.P. hit list ♪]()
♪ Catch this new slug
From the M.O.P. hit list ♪
Breaking Bad Season 4, Episode 2

Every time they flip a shrimp in the air,
she practically leaps out of her seat to CATCH it.
The Big Bang Theory Season 8, Episode 8

Like that guy
could CATCH a football.
The Big Bang Theory Season 5, Episode 24

So I prayed that
she'd CATCH a horrible skin disease.
Game of Thrones Season 3, Episode 4

It's easy money. Till we CATCH you. Say
the word, I'll take you on a ride-along.
Breaking Bad Season 5, Episode 16