![[à la Shatner]:
Because you barfed where no man
has barfed before?
[à la Shatner]:
Because you barfed where no man
has barfed before?]()
[à la Shatner]:
Because you barfed where no man
has barfed BEFORE?
The Big Bang Theory Season 12, Episode 16

Cersei Lannister and Loras Tyrell
will stand trial BEFORE seven septons
Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 8

BEFORE he heads off to work
at the Winterfell forges.
Game of Thrones Season 7, Episode 5

BEFORE he fled from Westeros.
Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 9

You shouldn't drink BEFORE a fight.
Game of Thrones Season 4, Episode 8