Bangla to English Meaning :: গুচ্ছ
গুচ্ছ: Bunch   Cluster   
Bunch :
Synonyms :
Bouquet, Cluster, Group, An assortment of, Clustering, Crowd, Lot, Bundle, Gather, Cluster, Bunch together
English Meaning :
(Noun : A grouping of a number of similar things)
(Verb : Form into a bunch)
Example : he halted, forcing the rest of the field to bunch up behind him
Word Example from TV Shows :
that has a bunch of flaws
she hasn\'t noticed?

 that has a BUNCH of flaws she hasn't noticed? (The Big Bang Theory Season 7, Episode 4)

Cluster :
Synonyms :
Bunch, Crowd, Clustering, Congregate, Flock, Bundle
English Meaning :
(Noun : A grouping of a number of similar things)
(Verb : Come together as in a cluster or flock)
Example : Defensive, impenetrable, they cluster together for security, and perhaps that is part of the artist's intention.
Word Example from TV Shows :
{\\i1}Spain sold cluster bombs{\\i0}\0

 {\i1}Spain sold CLUSTER bombs{\i0} (Money Heist Season 3, Episode 6)

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